A Beginners Guide to CSS box-sizing property

On 5/28/2014 Be the first to comment!

The CSS box-sizing property lets you take control over the HTML elements width. Generally padding and border width of an HTML element adds themselves up to the elements width and makes it to stretch over. But if you don't want the HTML element to be stretched irrespective of padding and border width, then use the CSS box-sizing: border-box; property.

Create CSS Buttons - A Step-by-Step Tutorial

On 5/23/2014 Be the first to comment!

A Step-by-Step Tutorial for beginners to create CSS Buttons.

CSS Buttons - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Using CSS Buttons instead of images is always advantageous. You can come up with amazing button styles with few lines of CSS code. The possibility of the button styles is almost unlimited. If you are a CSS expert then you already know how to create buttons with CSS. However if you are a newbie, having some pretty good ideas for buttons but don't know where to start with, this is the tutorial for you.

PHP Code to Connect MySQL Database with MySQL, MySQLi Extensions

On 5/18/2014 Be the first to comment!

Let's see how to connect to the MySQL Database with PHP. PHP comes with MySQL extension (API) to access MySQL DB. This extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, and will be removed in the future. So for higher versions of PHP we should go for the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension. We'll see the connection process with both MySQL and MySQLi extensions here.

Is using PHP array_merge function the right way to merge associative arrays?

On 5/15/2014 Be the first to comment!

Learn how the PHP array_merge function works and which is the proper method to merge associative arrays?

An associative array is an array of elements with key=>value pairs and looks something like this, array("a" => "blue", "b" => "green"). The keys may be of numeric or non-numeric. There are two ways to merge these arrays.

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